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Environmental And Social Responsibility

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  • Takes care to make the most effective use of lossless size, recycled paper and ink in its printing operations.
  • Encourages digital production.
  • Avoids creating digital waste.
  • Limits paper consumption and re-uses old paper.
  • Recycles obsolete, old and broken electronic components and devices.
  • Saves electricity, water and fuel.
  • Applies a social topic quota (such as women, safety at work, environment, sustainable development) on all content created for its customers.
  • Opens up all media platforms to organizations, companies, associations and foundations that engage in social responsibility work with the potential to create content, enabling them to disseminate information fundamental to their operations.

Particularly supports the following themes, chosen from its many areas of concern, with the aim of acting with more awareness:

  1. “Entrepreneurship”, which it believes will support the national economy,
  2. “Innovation”, which it believes will contribute to national development,
  3. Youth unemployment and female employment, which it believes will increase productivity
  4. Urbanism and quality of life, which it believes will help the creation of ideas and emergence of more varied points of view.


Youth contest

This İndeks social responsibility project aimed at young people, the future of Turkey, was started in 2003. Many companies supported the project as “voluntary partners”, and the contest that started with nine sponsors now has more than 50. 12 contests were held covering the fields of banking, retail, logistics, IT, the New Turkey, automotive, entrepreneurship, software, media, urbanism and finance.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]