Andrew Finkel
Who is Andrew Finkel?
Andrew Finkel has been working as a journalist in Turkey since 1989. He speaks French, Turkish, Persian and German. During this period he has represented media outlets such as The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Economist, Time and CNN. He has also contributed to the output of broadcasters, such as, the BBC, Sky, Deutsche Welle, The Guardian, Global Journalist, NPR, The Washington Post, Cornucopia magazine and Le Monde Diplomatique. He has also worked on the news desks of a number of Turkish newspapers. He received the Karsten Prager scholarship from Michigan University for the 2002 -2003 period and the Reagen Fascell Democracy scholarship from the National Aid Organization for Washington Democracy. Founder and Writer P24 Platform for Independent Journalism. He has contributed to a number of academic studies on media reliability. He has also written columns in Taraf Newspaper, a publication now in hot pursuit of Today’s Zaman for the top spot.
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