Cemil Özer
Who is Cemil Özer?
He graduated as a staff officer from the Military Academy in 1972. He was sent to Leavenworth United States Army Command as well as the General Staff College in Kansas City, USA in 1974 and to the NATO Defense College in Rome in 1976 for training purposes. In 1978, he was appointed head of the land branch of the NATO Command in Naples. He served as a Regiment Commander in Uzunköprü in 1980. He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1982 and to major general in 1986. He retired from the military in 1990. He gave classes on the “principles of Atatürk and the history of the Turkish Revolution” at Marmara and Yeditepe Universities. He pursued his doctorate studies in social anthropology at the Yeditepe University.
For speech topics, publications and videos: https://www.indekskonusmaciajansi.com/konusmaci/26/cemil-ozer