Dilek Cindoğlu
Who is Dilek Cindoğlu?
Previously, she worked at Mardin Artuklu University and Bilkent University. She is a graduate of Bogazici University, Istanbul (B.A. and M.A.) and received her Ph.D. (1991) State University of New York at Buffalo. She has published extensively on the gendered processes of paid work, political participation, migration, health and sexuality in international journals and in book chapters. She was a Visiting Senior Scholar at the IRWAG of the Columbia University of New York (2010-2011), received, “Direct Access to the Muslim World” award from the Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program (2006) was a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Gender and Sexuality at the NYU (2003),and Senior Fellow at St. Antony’s College, Oxford (2002), was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1998-1999).She was consultant on various research projects funded by national (Tubitak, KSSGM, AAK) and international (IDRC, Ford Foundation, World Bank, ILO-IPEC,EU) bodies, served as an elected EC member at Turkish Sociological Association, (TSA) 2008-2014 and International Sociological Association (ISA) 2010-2018. Her work has been published at national and international academic journals and as book chapters.
For speech topics, publications and videos: https://www.indekskonusmaciajansi.com/konusmaci/972/dilek-cindoglu