Ferhat Boratav
Who is Ferhat Boratav?
Ferhat Boratav got his degree in history from Boğaziçi University. He received his master’s degree on “Turkish Immigrant Workers” from Grenoble University in France. His media career began at Nokta newsmagazine. He worked as a producer, presenter and radio journalist at the BBC World Service’s Turkish Section. Upon his return to Turkey, he briefly worked for a television production company. He then went back to the newsroom, and served as the managing editor of ATV News and then as the editor-in-chief at CNN Turk, where he currently holds the position of editorial consultant. He considers his years in the university drama club and his work as a cook in France as important chains of his subsequent career.
For speech topics, publications and videos: https://www.indekskonusmaciajansi.com/konusmaci/58/ferhat-boratav