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Media Relations

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Media Relations

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Media Relations Training

The foundation of İndeks Communication Content and Consultancy was based on Media Relations Training. Both multinational and national companies and Anatolian tigers prefer to procure their media relations training from İndeks. In its training and consultancy activities, İndeks works with international trainers and consultants. Experts with international experience and an international staff work in harmony. Through Yaprak Özer, who is the founder of İndeks and a journalist-writer, İndeks is accredited from London-based Lionsden, the greatest media relations and consultancy company in the world. Indeks constantly provides trainings abroad. İndeks Media Relations offers special solutions to the short, medium and long term needs of corporations and managers through its training modules and consultancy services. Communication world is transforming rapidly. Media is changing at a fast pace, and the routines are constantly broken. Single time – single target audience communication activities do not satisfy companies’ needs. Indeks provides Media Relations Trainings and Content Communication Consultancy that utilize research and development activities that are based on semi-scientific activities. It reports the studies in traditional platforms, TV and radio, social platforms and electronic platforms through qualitative and quantitative measurements, develops solutions and carries out applied simulations.

Content Quality Analysis

This service entails the measurement, interpretation and reporting of news and content produced at platforms which are not purchased by comparing them with the competitors and by using various qualitative criteria. What benefit does this offer for a company? “Am I reaching the correct audience?” “Am I giving the right message to the right audience?” “Does my target audience understand me?” “Am I contributing to my sales?” “Can I test perception?” “Can I find the correct timing?” “Is my content high-quality? Are my ideas systematic? Are my discourse and its tone correct?” “What am I saying? What do I want to say?” Such questions provide answer to many specific and important problems. They allow the formulation and revision of correct strategies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”baslik-en”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]