Yılmaz Argüden
Who is Yılmaz Argüden?
Serving as the chairman of ARGE Consulting and Rothschild in Turkey, one of the leading investment banks in the world, Dr. Argüden was named a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum for his commitment to improving the state of the world. His has a wealth of experience in a broad range of areas, from the private to the public sector, as well as in international organisations, NGOs and academia. Holding seats on the boards of directors of various organisations, Dr. Argüden also shares his experience by teaching a strategy class on Bosphorus University’s and Koç University’s MBA programs, as well as through his books and newspaper columns.
For speech topics, publications and videos: https://www.indekskonusmaciajansi.com/konusmaci/103/yilmaz-arguden